Cleaning & Maintenance

Product ReferenceDescriptionUsesApplication Method
HDL®Solvent based, quick drying, film free, high flash point, high dielectric strength, Rolls Royce & MOD Approved, compatible with rubber & plasticsElectrical & general purpose industrial cleaning/degreasingDip, Spray, Wipes, Ultrasonic
PAR SC-23Solvent based, quick drying, film & residue freeElectrical & general purpose industrial cleaning/degreasingSpray
PAR 1537Solvent based heavy duty degreaserHeavy duty cleaning & degreasing, particularly for removal of cured varnishesDip
J102 ‘T’ DEGREASERSolvent based degreaser, quick dryingRemoval of oil & grease from metal surfaces prior to paintingBrush, Cloth
SUNCLEAN®Water based, environmentally friendly, ideal for removal of carbon depositsElectrical components, particularly DC electric motors, general purpose industrial cleaningSteam cleaner, Dip
PAR PRESSURE WASH 10High power traffic film, mud, oil & grease removerVehicles, plant, earth moving machinery & floorsSteam cleaner
PAR PF-20Heavy duty penetrating fluid
Saves threads for re-use, protects against corrosion, prevents breakage of frozen parts, penetrates & frees heavily rusted, sticky or frozen parts, removes dirt &sticky residues
PAR MP-40Multi-purpose fluid
Protects from moisture, lubricates moving parts, penetrates & frees rusted, sticky or frozen parts, displaces moisture & dries out electrical components, removes dirt & sticky residues
PAR SCB-200Silicone release agent, friction & heat resistant lubricantMould release agent for a variety of industrial usesSpray
pr 88Water soluble barrier cream with pleasant coconut fragranceProtects operators hands from dirt, greases & oils, can be easily removed with water, no soap required
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